Fabric from Natural Materials. Have you ever heard of a business that makes fabric out of natural materials? Instead they use plants and other things to create fabrics. Bornature, the Bornature Made in Batch's story that be favourite by these special fabric from natural materials. We are excited to bring you three stories about our sustainable suppliers and how they created sustainable fabrics.
Bamboo Fabric
This first story is about a supplier that turns bamboo into fabric. Bamboo is special as it grows faster than almost every other plant on this planet. This is also an added advantage, as it requires lesser water compared to cotton with the aim of conserving water. They have developed a biodegradable fabric combining the softness and strength of bamboo; it is ideal for comfortable clothes. But the best part is Bamboo is earth-friendly as it regrows easily after being harvested. Well this means growing bamboo plants is helping to save the planet.
Wood Pulp Fabric
The second is a supplier who receives wood pulp and processes it into fabric. Wood pulp is sourced from sustainably managed forests where trees are harvested selectively so that the existing forest remains healthy. This natural fibre (which comes from wood pulp) is soft and breathable, which makes it a perfect fabric for summer clothes when we want to feel cool. Biodegradable This fabric also has an advantage that it is biodegradable. This implies that when individuals are done with it, it'll disintegrate unaffectedly rather than being hazardous to the environment while we're out there.
Plastic Fabric Story
The third tale is of a supplier company that convert old chemist plastic bottles into fabric. What you are probably thinking must be surprising hearing since plastic indeed is a bad reputation. But this biodegradable clothing supplier found an ingenious way of recycling plastic waste. Old plastic bottles are melted and made into different types of fibers that can then be used to create a durable and waterproof tight knit fabric. This fabric is so you able to keep your clothes that are doing outdoor activities.
How They Became Successful
How then, have these suppliers been able to do their work so well? Each of them took the time to really examine what they were doing. The study of a single case is known as a case study. A case study is all about identifying solutions and answers in a particular situation by spending some time looking deeply into it. This time, the manufacturers were interested to produce environment friendly, durable and inexpensive fabric with appealing wearability.
They could scour through their work and study it in detail to find out what materials worked best for which fabric, how to best make those fabrics. This also allowed them to learn from their mistakes, and over time devise methods that worked better for the average worker. That means they pressed forward, even when it got hard and kept trying until they’d found the best way to do things.
The Road to Success
It certainly was not an easy road for these suppliers to achieve success. They had to confront some challenges along the path. Locating suitable materials for their fabrics was among the biggest challenges. This meant trying many different plants and fibers until they found those that produced the desired traits in their fabric.
The other considerably more difficult issue was working out how to actually process the materials. It took a lot of trial and error to perfect techniques like weaving, knitting, and spinning — you really have to try lots of different strategies before you know the best methods for your materials. They spent plenty of time scheming but were committed to finding the proper avenues for their textiles.
Another consideration was to have them ponder on the pricing of fabricating their fabrics. Production of bio-fabrics has been a difficult task because it is pricier than nylon or polyester. It meant that suppliers had to be creative in reducing costs whilst still producing quality fabrics worth buying.
Three Suppliers That Made It Work
Through all of this, the three bio-based fabric suppliers that Bornature partnered with overcome all challenges to produce high quality biodegradable fabrics. This success emphasizes the necessity of investigating challenges and developing solutions that aid conservation efforts and inform decision-making.
Bornature is an enterprise operating amongst these suppliers, which we are privileged to work with and be able to share the wonderful products that you can find in the market. And we do think there is the future of your clothing in bio-based. And because we are passionate about leaving a potential positive imprint of our world on the industry, we pledge to always contribute towards sustainable and fair practices in fashion.
Bottom line, the success of these biodegradable textiles suppliers serves reminder to research weighty issues and persevere. Through meticulous study of their design, they pin-pointed the ideal fabrics and techniques to achieve wonderful textiles. At Bornature, we take great pride in working with these suppliers and contributing to the shift toward better fashion for a healthier planet.