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tencel biodegradable

Have you ever paused and thought about how your clothing impacts our planet? The majority of our clothes are made from materials that can take a very long time to decompose fully, even hundreds of years. This means that throwing away old clothes is contributing to a major issue. This problem is the pile of trash that does not decompose naturally. But there is a better decision we can make Tencel biodegradable clothing!

Instead of synthetic materials (or animal parts, as in silk), Tencel is a unique type of fabric made from plant materials. That means it’s natural and can decompose in nature. Tencel is produced in a more eco-friendly manner. Tencel production also follows a closed-loop process, meaning all chemicals used in fabric, during its production, are recycled and reused. This helps to reduce waste and decreases the damage to our planet.

The Eco-Friendly Solution for Sustainable Fabric

Tencel is produced utilizing the lyocell process. It begins with fibers from wood, a plant material. Next, the filaments are blended in an eco friendly liquid. Then they are processed into threads, which can be woven into plush and strong fabric. The water and energy used to make fabric in this way is substantially lower than other methods of making clothes. Not only is Tencel fabric soft and comfortable, but it's also breathable, meaning air can run through, keeping you cool. And it’s wear-resistant, so it will stick around for a while.

Why choose bornature tencel biodegradable?

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