सब वर्ग

बर्बाद वस्त्र भारत

Do you ever wonder what happens to used clothing when we get rid of it? This might be surprising, but most of this clothing ends up in large piles — mountains of वस्त्रों का पुनर्चक्रण, as they are called. These mountains are growing higher, higher because people are fashioning more and more clothing every day. We can’t just throw away our old clothes — we need to plan where they’ll go.

That’s the point at which clothes begin a long decomposition process, if they’re in these mountains. That doesn’t mean they vanish; they start to disintegrate. When they decompose, they release nasty chemicals into the surrounding air and soil. Of course, this kind of pollution may be very detrimental to the environment and animals residing in that region. It can infect fauna, fauna, and even our drinking water,posing a pathology threat to all.

How Wasted Textiles are Polluting Our Plane

So where do clothes actually end up after you throw them away? Some old clothes are sent to the landfill — a dump for rubbish. These garments can also take up landfill space for an extended period of time — potentially hundreds of years — before they decompose entirely. Other clothes are burned, and that can release toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, which is bad for our health. Some old clothes go to recycling places where they can be made into new things, but not all clothes can be recycled easily.| Knowing where our clothes go when they’re recycled, and what happens to them, will also help us make better choices.

Why choose bornature wasted textiles?

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