Hey kids! What do you know about a fabric made from recycled pet bottles? This may seem complicated, but it’s actually pretty cool! This article will explain what it is and how it is made and why it is so good for our planet. And we’ll tell you how a company called Bornature is using this incredible material to make cool clothes and fun accessories you can wear!
Clear first what בד ממוחזר לחיות מחמד is. You already know what plastic bottles are, sure? They contain drinkable fluids like water, soda, juice. What typically happens to that bottle after you’re done drinking it? And most people just end up throwing it away. With recycled pet bottle fabric, those plastic bottles can be repurposed and turned into something new instead of being dumped into the landfill, which is when where trash is heaped up. This means we can assist the Earth while creating something useful!
Now you may be wondering just how we actually go about turning a plastic bottle into fabric. So, that sounds interesting, right? The process is pretty cool! Well, first they collect the bottles from recycling bins, then they clean them really well. That’s important because we want to ensure there isn’t any residue from soda or juice on them.
The bottles are then chopped into small pieces known as flakes after they are washed. Little bits of plastic - Imagine! Once it’s all in little bits, the flakes are melted down until they become a sticky liquid. Then, this goo is stretched out into long, thin fibers that look a lot like spaghetti! These fibers are then woven into a soft but strong fabric, which can be made into clothes, bags, and all sorts of other products. Incredible how you can go from something you drink out of now you can wear!
Now, let’s consider the rationale behind turning old plastic bottles into fabric. The reply is quite simple: it is actually great for the ecosystems! The thing is, plastic doesn’t decompose easily. This means that plastic bottles that end up in the landfill can remain there for hundreds of years! That’s a really long time. By taking those bottles and spinning them into fabric, we’re doing something wonderful for the planet.” By recycling material from our labels, we’re keeping those bottles out of landfills and giving them new life!
And while we’re on the topic of helping the planet, let’s discuss some direct ways with which בד ממוחזר is creating an impact. For instance, it minimises the volume of plastic waste that reaches our oceans. When plastic bottles are washed into the ocean, they may damage the sea animals, and pollute the water. By reusing all of those bottles and making them into fabric, we’re preventing them from floating out to sea or landing in the bellies of fish and other sea creatures.” This is so, so, so important because we care about the oceans and the creatures that live there!
It’s not only about how many bottles we’re saving from landfills. So by making clothing and accessories out of recycled pet bottle fabric, there is less water used and less pollution made; we aim to create zero waste. The process of making new fabric from scratch often uses lots of water and can leak chemicals into the environment. But by using recycled bottles instead, we’ll reduce all that waste and pollution in the first place.